VisualBar App
This app was built to generate charts by retrieving data from boards using React and API which is based on the GraphQL structure. Charts components were created using Chart.js library.
This app was built to generate charts by retrieving data from boards using React and API which is based on the GraphQL structure. Charts components were created using Chart.js library.
This app was created to automatically generate presentation slides from boards using React and SDK. Slides templates were built using JavaScript library PptxGenJS.
This Youtube video tool is about user events fetching data and showing lists. Videos are fetched from YouTube Data API using Axios. This react app is styled with Semantic UI.
A business website for my side project. Main structure was created with React/Gatsby and styled with the Ant Design UI library.
This website was created with Gatsby using GraphQL to query the files and Gatsby Image to automatically optimize the images for responsive design. Styled-Components library was used for styling.
This hotel website was created with React using React Router for navigating between pages and React Context API for state management.